Friday, February 18, 2011


Alright, so I happen to have a friend of mine that has deemed the Mario table worthy of making. So, my next project is a 'gaming base' theme table... I know that my follower base is slim... but hey, I check your stuff out religiously so that the reciprocation will provide me with ideas and tasks and hopefully orders.

So NEXT on the list is a game table. My friend likes the outstanding games... you know, CSS (Counter Strike Source), Starcraft dos, WoW (World of Warcraft); for which I hear he was sponsored and apparently top ranked for years.... Oh and who doesn't like Modern Warfare and Halo online? Show of hands for people that don't like it....? Show of hands for douche bags....? No no, you people that raised your hands the first time... raise them again!

So I would like input on ideas, here is the base: 8foot by 2 foot table with or without cup-holes cut in... but I am also willing to do an 8foot by 4 foot for criteria that is deemed in need of more room.

The plan is to find the best in-game pictures and what not of the games he wants, and print on special paper, then cut out and apply to table, then clear coat like my life depends on it.

PUHLEASE send some input on what you would like to see in a gaming table... also willing to do a separate table dedicated to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series.

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